30 October 2018

The World As You Are

There is this story from the wisdom of Sufis :
A stranger enters a village, and immediately looks for the Sufi master to ask advice.  He says, "I'm thinking of moving to live in this village.  What can you tell me about the people who live here?"
And the Sufi master replies, "What can you tell me about the people who live where you come from?"
"Ah," says the visitor angrily.  "They are terrible people.  They are robbers, cheats and liars.  The stab each other in the back."
"Well now," says the Sufi master.  "Isn't that a coincidence?  That's exactly what they're like here."
So the man departs the village and is never seen there again.
Soon, another stranger enters the village and he too seeks out the Sufi master for advice.  He says, "I'm thinking of moving to live in this village.  What can you tell me about the people who live here?"
And the Sufi master replies, "What can you tell me about the people who live where you come from?"
"Ah," says the visitor in fond remembrance, "They are wonderful people.  They're kind, gentle and compassionate.  They look after each other."
"Well now," says the Sufi master.  "Isn't that a coincidence?  That's exactly what they're like here."

"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." - Anais Nin

My column illustration titled "Mirror" | October 2018